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Artificial Intelligence Meets Hernando REC

As of today, Thursday, August 8, my Hernando County Republican Party Leadership has refused to condemn the use of "AI generated images" created to lie to voters about Republican County Commission Candidate Marvin Baynham.

I genuinely believed they'd condemn it. After all, Republicans earnestly believe in election integrity and the attack on Marvin was reprehensible. How easy is it to say you had nothing to do with it and you don't support it?

But not only have my party leaders not done the easy work of condemning such dishonest tactics, the PAC that paid for the lying mailer is now running the fake photo in digital ad campaigns.

Although the mailer says the image is AI "to depict an alternate reality" it's actually just a pretty lame Photoshop job. They took the Tampa Firefighter logos on his hat and shirt (Marvin is a career fireman) and replaced them with "Biden-Harris" to make it look like he's a Democrat secretly infiltrating the Republican Party for nefarious reasons.

Top image: Real photo of Marvin Baynham volunteering at Art in the Park; Bottom image: photoshopped

The most unnerving part is the big X they put over his chest – the kind of photo you'd see pinned up in a serial killer's room in a crime show. The X covers over his "Art in the Park Volunteer" lanyard and badge, so voters aren't tricked into voting for someone who actually donates their time to serving the community.

Anyway, it got me thinking about AI and how I haven't used it yet. I don't want it writing for me and so far, it can't do my laundry or wash dishes. I don't see the value.

But it's been a pretty intense campaign season and we could all use a little chuckle... So here are my first AI attempts. Unlike the Marvin fake photo intended to deceive, these are all in fun and photos of things that have actually happened with our local Republican leaders.

Turns out the AI wasn't as easy as I thought. None of the local REC leaders are famous enough for Chat GPT to recognize them. So, some headlines just turned into memes from existing photos. In others, the AI was fun even without the familiar faces, so I used them anyway and you'll just have to use your old-fashioned imagination.

Each provides a quote and a footnote that will take you to the story behind the photo.

"Nick Holmes dutifully drops out of County Commission race because he's told Blaise Ingoglia has already planned to crown Brian Hawkins."

Or there's this twist on the same theme.

"REC Vice-Chair Nick Holmes withdraws from County Commission race when he decides political positions are purchased."

"Jeannie Galbo chastises Marvin for going to work as a firefighter instead of standing around Emergency Operations Center during Hurricane Debby."

"Developer Blaise Ingoglia buys county land set aside for a park (that wasn't actually for sale) – and makes a bunch of money by building houses instead!"

"Government Gone Wild's Blaise Ingoglia, demonstrates liberal overreach by placing an unfunded mandate on small businesses. He renames a street after Rush Limbaugh forcing businesses into the expense of changing their address while Blaise cashes in on going on TV to promote himself."

"State Representative Jeff Holcomb has yet to explain who he meant by 'we' when he said, 'Our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do."

I also tried a couple "alternate reality" narratives (up till now humans called them "lies") like our REC leadership is apparently condoning. (NOTE: Due to technical issues, additional images related to this article could not be added. Please go to Kahlernat.blog to view those images.)

"Mayor Blake Bell recruits two more of his cousins to Brooksville City Council and changes the form of government from City Manager to Family Meeting."

"State Senator Blaise Ingoglia, citing his commitment to smaller government and personal philanthropy, buys undeveloped land and pays to build a public park. He names it 'New York my Florida' Park, with a free cannoli for every visitor."

"REC Chair Brian Hawkins sends the Sheriff and State Rep to John Allocco's home for a wellness check after reading John's newspaper ad. In Biden fashion, Allocco seems to have forgotten he sold his physical therapy business and is now a realtor. Brian just wanted to make sure John was ok."

But back to serious business.

Our Republican Party leaders really do need to condemn the use of fake photos and outright lies in campaigning. Our State Senator and State Reps need to sponsor a bill outlawing the use of AI in campaigns. Senator Ingoglia has already vowed to sponsor campaign reform. He should add AI reform to it.

When you go to the Hernando GOP website9, they have a photo and quote from our great President Ronald Reagan.

May our party leaders have the courage to implement his words. We're all waiting.

Follow Natalie Kahler at Kahlernat.blog

Natalie Kahler served in Brooksville from 2014-2018 as Mayor and Council member. Natalie has had an interest in politics since she started canvassing at the age of 5 during the 1976 Presidential Campaign. Natalie and husband Jason have lived in Hernando County for 25 years and they raised four children who still live in the area.


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